The Reason Why I Created This Blog

I attended a Permaculture and Ecovillage Design Course in the US, with the sponsorship and support of various individuals/organisations. This blog was instrumental in connecting us.
I am now back in Malaysia, embarking on my pilot permaculture project in Batu Arang. My permaculture journey and progress will be updated on this blog.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Muzeum of Rubbish

Art Installation, Collective
Sonneratia II
2003, National Art Gallery

We have no qualms about being a throw-away society. But have we asked ourselves where our garbage ends up?

In 2003, I participated in a 9 day creative camp for 25 selected art students from Malaysia. Our collective experience culminated in an art exhibition at the National Art Gallery. We erected a Muzeum of Rubbish addressing the relationship between consumerism and the changing landscape of wetlands ecology. The museum exhibited artifacts which were brought in by the sea and were filtered down by the tides, along a stretch of mangrove forest on the coast of Kuala Selangor.

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