The Reason Why I Created This Blog

I attended a Permaculture and Ecovillage Design Course in the US, with the sponsorship and support of various individuals/organisations. This blog was instrumental in connecting us.
I am now back in Malaysia, embarking on my pilot permaculture project in Batu Arang. My permaculture journey and progress will be updated on this blog.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I thought I knew you before I met you …

I thought I knew you before I met you …

Though we are far apart, I had you for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
I thought I knew you before I met you …

Parts of you, America dripped nectar on my taste buds,
Tempting me with yearning for all things sweet.
Parts of you, America stung with the bitterness of bile,
Oozing trepidation for life, not mine, shoved into my throat.
Parts of you, America filled my bosom with the bread of contentment,
Baked from the yeast of indifference.
And parts of you America drained my heart with bottomless hunger,
Slithering in the stomachs of my ancestors.

Yet, America

There was much more to you than three meals a day,
For you are greater than the sum of your parts.

And now, alas, I am here in America …
I am thankful for having the privilege of getting to know you, America

As I lie on this meadow which carried the feet of Native Indians,

And listen to your heart drumming on the ground beneath my ear,
I recall each beat, each flutter of smile, each encounter of eyes,
Each person bearing beautiful gifts of exchange,

-: The genuine listening, the sincere conversations,
Good intentions, respect for one another,
The pouring out of the heart, the reaching out of a hand.

The strangers...

Who always had a smile or a nod to spare.
The people on the sidewalk...

Who were more than generous with their directions.
The bus driver who went out of his route so I would not get lost.
The receptionist at the museum who gave me a free pass.
The priest who told the story behind each passing town as we journeyed by train.
The boy on the plane who gave me his jacket, so I could stay warm.

The lady on the bus who gave me a hug, and a magic spell.

So many encounters more!

Sun beams waving smiles in the melancholy of fall.
America, you are truly the land of dreams,

As you are too the conjurer of nightmares .


I am grateful for the ticking and placing of time, which brought me across the sea of indifference, and fear, and placed me at the feet of the throne of dreams - There to witness the opportune moment of the mother, Dream Weaver giving birth to her son.

Dream Catcher!
People of many colors, speaking one language, dreaming the same dream in their midnight slumber. The hand of the moon walked upon the face of the earth, returning full circle at the 11 th hour to greet the new son born to a new dawn. Fireworks, jubilation, a sigh of relief. Triumphant fists dancing in the air, moving to the sound of hope.

Yes we can! Yes we can!

Yes we can! Yes we can! Malaysia Boleh!
I think of my homeland, and loved ones …
Perhaps, we can dream too.

I am grateful …

For being in a moment engraved on the leaf of history, a mouth among millions, reaching for the skies, drinking in the promise of a better tomorrow.

And as for you America,
Had I known I loved you before I met you, I would have loved myself a little bit more.

God bless the United States of America, and God bless us all.

Special thanks to the US Embassy and IVLP team: Gloria, Marta, Diane, Anni Bel, Elaine

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